BXL Cafe in NYC, NY

BXL Cafe in NYC, NY

BXL Cafe in NYC, NY

A lot of people have this idea that restaurants too close to Times Square care more about foot traffic than satisfying a hungry crowd mainly made of tourists. BXL Cafe is not one of them. This Belgian restaurant (BXL is for Brussels) opened in 2004, offering a good selection of beers, like the Stella Artois I ordered. 

Stella Artois beer at BXL Cafe in NYC, NY

Stella Artois beer at BXL Cafe in NYC, NY

Stella Artois beer at BXL Cafe in NYC, NY

Stella Artois beer at BXL Cafe in NYC, NY

Menu wise, they have some interesting items, going from traditional (like the chicons or moules frites) to classic American like their burger. For our appetizer, we decided to go with the croquettes aux truffes that were quite delicious, the golden brown outside being very slightly crispy, enveloping a nice and gooey mushroom filling. 

Croquettes aux truffes at BXL Cafe in NYC, NY

Croquettes aux truffes at BXL Cafe in NYC, NY

Croquettes aux truffes at BXL Cafe in NYC, NY

Croquettes aux truffes at BXL Cafe in NYC, NY

For her entree, Jodi went for the salade de chèvre chaud or goat cheese salad that was good, the cheese being delightfully sweet, thanks to the honey they poured on top of it. 

Salade de chevre chaud at BXL Cafe in NYC, NY

Salade de chevre chaud at BXL Cafe in NYC, NY

On my side, I went for the moules frites and chose the vin blanc et crème (white wine and cream mussels and fries). It came in a large pot with the lid used for the shells. There was a good quantity of it and the mussels, smothered in a delicious sauce, were of a nice size.

Moules vin blanc et creme at BXL Cafe in NYC, NY

Moules vin blanc et creme at BXL Cafe in NYC, NY

Moules vin blanc et creme at BXL Cafe in NYC, NY

Moules vin blanc et creme at BXL Cafe in NYC, NY

It was simply delicious and I dipped my fries in the sauce, ditching the mayonnaise that came with it.

French fries at BXL Cafe in NYC, NY

French fries at BXL Cafe in NYC, NY

For dessert, we went for the Belgian waffle that was a bit disappointing, not as good as the ones you get at Wafels and Dinges. 

Belgian waffle at BXL Cafe in NYC, NY

Belgian waffle at BXL Cafe in NYC, NY

Belgian waffle at BXL Cafe in NYC, NY

Belgian waffle at BXL Cafe in NYC, NY

Although dessert was not great, I had a nice meal at BXL Cafe, a good spot if you are looking for a place to eat near Times Square or simply want to grab a good beer. 

Enjoy (I did)!

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BXL Cafe - 125 West 43rd Street, New York, NY10036

BXL Cafe Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato